NDIS & Disability.
What is the NDIS?
NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The scheme is funded by the Australian Government and provides funding to people with life long disabilities to access supports to increase independence, skills and have greater access to social and community activities.
Eligibility to join the NDIS
To become an NDIS Participant you must be:
aged up to 65 years old
Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa living in Australia
living with a permanent disability
Info for children under 9 years
Children under 9 years are supported under the NDIS Early Childhood Approach which focusses on Early Intervention. Children under 6 years do not need a formal diagnosis where developmental concerns are present.
For more information visit: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/families-and-carers/early-childhood-approach-children-younger-9
What is Support Coordination?
Support Coordination is funding built into your plan. A Support Coordinator will help you manage your plan budget, supports, prepare for plan reviews and implement new plans. We will guide you through understanding and using your NDIS plan to help you achieve your goals.
Don’t have Support Coordination in your plan?
You must have Level 2 Support Coordination listed under Capacity Building in your NDIS plan for us to be able to support you. If you do not have Support Coordination in your plan and feel you need help managing your plan, please contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110 to discuss having Support Coordination added to your plan. Alternatively, phone Sonic Support on 0401 388 088 for more information.
How do I apply for my first plan?
The very best place to start is to call the NDIS and let them know if your or your loved ones circumstances. They will guide you to apply for access. Applying to access is the NDIS scheme is the first step in your NDIS journey. You will need to provide proof of disability to access the NDIS. Call the NDIS today if you fit the criteria to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme on 1800 800 110.
What do I do when I get my first plan?
If you have Level 2 Support Coordination listed under Capacity Building in your NDIS plan call Sonic Support on 0401 388 088 to discuss how we can help you get supports in place as outlined in your NDIS plan. If you don’t have Support Coordination in your plan, your Local Area Coordinator will be in touch to discuss implementation.
NDIS Terminology
An NDIS Plan will contain information about budget and supports that have been approved for you to utilise to achieve your goals.
Any person who has been approved under the National Disability Insurance Scheme is a NDIS Participant.
There are 3 levels of support coordination which can be included in a plan. Level 1 connects participants to supports. Level 2 supports participants with a range of supports and connections depending on the participants needs. Level 3 is for complex and specialised supports.
When a plan is ‘built’ for a participant, the NDIS assesses what supports a person needs and is outlined in their plan under these three support budgets.
Core funds everyday supports such as community access, support workers, transport and day to day items related to a persons disability.
Capacity Building funds supports to build skills and independence such as therapies, support coordination, help finding and keeping a job.
Capital budget funds items that are assistive technology and are often once-off purchases such as wheelchair or home modifications.
If your situation has changed which results in different supports being needed in your plan, you can apply for a Change of Circumstances at any time. You don’t need to wait until the end of your plan period. Your Support Coordinator will help you submit the required documents to the NDIS. Or if you don’t have a Support Coordinator, you can call the NDIS or Local Area Coordinator.
A NDIS plan can be reassessed at the end of the plan period, or at anytime throughout the plan. The NDIS will check your plan is still suitable to your needs and may adjust it accordingly.
LAC (stands for Local Area Coordinator) and Early Childhood Partners work with the NDIS to communicate with you about your plan. They will hold plan meetings with you and convey the information to the NDIS for their review.